Guidelines for proposing manuscripts
Strathmore University Press publishes peer-reviewed books on law, humanities, and the sciences that have the potential to make a profound impact on the global conversation and people worldwide.
If you want to publish with Strathmore University Press, please read carefully the following statements.
The publication process
Manuscripts should be submitted in .docx format to Strathmore University Press via email (
First evaluation
Once submitted, the manuscript will be reviewed. After an academic revision, the author will receive a letter with or decision about the acceptance for publication of the manuscript.
The letter will explain if the manuscript was accepted for publication funded by Strathmore University or by the author, and will include other publications details. The author will also receive a contract to be signed and sent to Strathmore University Press. After the signing of the contract the editing process will begin.
Editing and proofreading
Editors can ask for some formal corrections on the manuscript and can provide some recommendations about how to improve the research. After the author has made the alterations agreed upon during the evaluation process, making sure to make corrections to the grammar, spelling, and form of the manuscript, the manuscript will then be copyedited, formatted, typeset, and proofread.
It is important that the author makes these formal corrections as any errors that pass through the thorough proofreading of Strathmore University Press will be faithfully reflected in the final work.
Books accepted for online publication will be published as an e-book, copies of which will be printed only on customer request. Other books will be published as e-books and in print.
Once published, books will be distributed in Kenyan bookstores and globally as e-books and in print via Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Apple, Library Direct, OverDrive, Scridb, CloudLibrary, Library Direct, Gardners, Odilo, and other channels of distribution.
The author will have a right to a percentage of the selling price of the book (normally between 15 and 60%), depending on whether the publication was funded by Strathmore University Press or by the author, and on which channel of distribution sales are verified.